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General Information

How can I upload an image to my "Your Profile" page?

All registered IMDb users can add a profile image to customize their "Your Profile" page. This can be done on the IMDb desktop site, the IMDb mobile apps (iOS & Android), and the IMDb mobile website, as seen below.

Please go to the "Your Profile" page and click "Upload image".

Edit profile on desktop

This will open the image upload window, where you can select an image and crop it to fit in the provided area.

Edit profile image on desktop

When choosing your image, please ensure you follow these technical requirements:

  • Use a 250x250 minimum pixel size image in JPEG format
  • Use an image with a resolution size between 50KB-25MB
  • Use a recent browser version
  • Ensure Javascript is turned on, and you have no ad-blocking or similar browser interception technologies running

Please see our Community Guidelines for additional requirements for user profile images.

Profile Images on Mobile Apps & Site

Images can also be uploaded and edited on the IMDb mobile apps (iOS & Android) and the IMDb mobile site. 

On the IMDb mobile app or mobile site, navigate to your IMDb profile by tapping Profile icon icon.

From here you will need to navigate to the "Edit profile" page. 

On the IMDb mobile app, this can be accessed by tapping the Settings icon > Account > Edit profile.
On the mobile site, Edit profile can be accessed by selecting "Your profile" after tapping the Profile icon icon.

Once on the "Edit profile" page, you can then either upload or change your profile image, as seen below.


Edit profile on iOS

Edit profile image on iOS

Mobile site

For additional support, or if you have any feedback or questions, please contact us via e-mail through the IMDb Contact Us form.

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